Simplex Endotracheal Tube Cuffed and Uncuffed, 10’s

Designed to provide artificial airway to patients by allowing positive pressure management and tracheobronchial suctioning. Available in wide range of variants: Pediatric and Adult (with cuff and without cuff).

SKU: N/A Category:


Features and Benefits

  • Thermosensitive material conforms to patient’s body temperature, reducing trauma to the patient’s tissue.
  • Kink-resistant shaft allows continuous air flow.
  • Radiopaque line allows verification of tube placement.
  • Responsive pilot balloon allows visual identification of the cuff’s integrity.
  • Double line marking facilitates accurate cuff placement below the vocal cord.
  • High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) Cuff that provides effective seal, reducing risk of vocal cord injury and tracheal damage.
  • Murphy eye at the tip for increase safety, ensuring adequate ventilation is maintained.